I'm here.

Kota Gordon @Kapodaco

Age 30



Joined on 8/14/12

Exp Points:
15,448 / 16,030
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Vote Power:
7.91 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
6y 8m 29d

Kapodaco's News

Posted by Kapodaco - September 2nd, 2023



Posted by Kapodaco - December 27th, 2017

Continuation is a key to striving for improvement.


I'm 24.

I enjoy critiquing. It makes me sound like a dick.

I also enjoy football (Americano).

Other hobbies include video games, anime, writing/reviewing, film, and being a nice boy troll.

I have a natural knack for winging things and making it seem as though I put effort into it.

Those who can enjoy anything probably shouldn't be critics.

Rap and country aren't really my thing.

While anime is enjoyable, much of it is pretty dumb. Like most things.

Autumn is the most enjoyable season.

I am an egomanaiac who cannot shut up about himself. xDDD

Constantly going from fat to not-as-fat.

I am white cis-scum.


I appreciate whoever decides to read this, and whoever decides to find me interesting enough to follow the links on my profile to my blogs/professional reviewing profile. Have a wonderful day!

Posted by Kapodaco - February 1st, 2016

I don't quite understand what to put here, nor have I used my account on Newgrounds for years and years, so I'll simply half-ass everything.

I'm 22.
I criticize (most) everything.
I enjoy (accurately officiated) football.
I also enjoy other things like video games, anime, writing/reviewing, and being a gosh darn troll.
When I don't know how to do something, I try winging it rather than consult someone for help (most of the time).
I tend to avoid believing the opinions of people who can enjoy just about anything.
I hate rap/pop/hip-hop/country music now-a-days.
Despite enjoying anime, I would guess 80% of all anime is awful.
My favorite season is Autumn.
I like to give random facts about myself.
I've lost weight in the past, but am now gaining weight again. It's like sitting down all day does that to you.
I am white cis-scum.

That's it I suppose. If anyone is reading this, I'd just like to say thank you for taking time out of your day by wasting said time to read this. Enjoy the rest of it.

Posted by Kapodaco - August 14th, 2012

I don't quite understand what to put here, nor have I had an account on Newgrounds for years and years, so I'll simply half-ass everything.

I'm 18, almost 19 (at the time that I am typing this).
I criticize everything.
I enjoy football.
I also enjoy other things like video games, history and being horrifically competitive.
When I'm confused and/or oblivious, I always act like I don't understand anything. It's more of a defensive maneuver.
I hate people who can watch anything and enjoy it. Have some integrity, dammit!
I hate music now-a-days.
I don't particularly like when romances are overly sappy with a feel-good ending and climax.
My favorite season is Fall/Autumn.
I like to give random facts about myself. Can you tell?
I'd like to believe that I'm losing weight, but I still look like I'm 275+ lbs.
I am white.

That's it I suppose. If anyone is reading this, I'd just like to say thank you, for taking time out of your day by wasting said time to read this. Enjoy the rest of it.